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Q: How did the nation and dealings with Great Britain reveal weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation?
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What is one reason that many people called for changes to the Articles of Confederation?

There were many reasons that led the people to call for changes to the Articles of Confederation. One such reason was because too many states fought among themselves which in turn weakened the government instead of united the colonies against Britain.

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What did the article of confederation feared of?

The Articles of Confederation showed that people feared a strong government similar to the monarchy in Britain.

What countries was involved with US Articles of Confederation?

United States and Great Britain

What was the first governing document of the US after declaring indepence from britain?

Articles of Confederation

The publicly stated purpose of the convention to be held in 1787 was to?

Revise the Articles of Confederation

One similarity between the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation?

Both were trying to stay away from a government like Britain's

Why were the Articles of the Confederation created?

The Articles of Confederation were written in 1776 to establish a framework for the collaboration of the 13 American colonies that were fighting for their freedom from Britain, but was not passed until 1781. A unified government (the United States) was seen as preferable in limited respects. The Articles established powers that the national Congress was given by the states. The document was extremely weak in providing revenue, and could not control the conflicting authority of the separate states. The Articles of confederation was weak because of the people's experience from when they were being ruled by Britain.

What type of government of the articles of Confederation create?

States had more power. They did not want the federal government to have too much power like Britain/Parliament. What couldn't Congress do under the Articles of Confederation? Congress couldn't regulate trade or collect taxes.

When were the Articles of Confederation adopted?

On November 15, 1777, the second Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Still at war with Great Britain, the colonists were not eager to establish another powerful national government. Three-and-a-half years passed before the states ratified (approved of) the Articles.

What were the Articles two successes?

The Articles of Confederation two successes were that the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain. Because of doing this, they gained independence. By the end of the Confederation era, Congress created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government that we see today.

The articles of confederation reflected americans fear of?

The Articles of Confederation were written to reduce a strong central government seizing power and creating a tyrannical situation in the newly created United States. The former colonists distrusted powerful government, and the Articles were written to spread governmental power into the individual states as much as possible.