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Q: How did the navel race increase tension between Germany and Britain?
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submarine warfare

Why did tension between the us and Germany increase in 1917?

resumed submarine warfare against neutral shipping

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There really was no major tension between the two; France was just an ally of a country at war with Germany

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It caused tension between their relationship

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Tension lead them to non importation agreements

Why was dreadnought built?

There started a race to build new battleships between Britain and Germany. Although Britan's navy was the largest in the world, she was worried about the growing size of the German navy. so, Britain built 29 dreadnoughts from 1906 to 1914, Germany built 17 from 1908 to 1914. As Germany started to build a large battlefleet to challenge British supremacy, the tension between the two countries increased too. This arms race began in the 1890s.