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They put peanut butter on the roof of there mouths do they couldn't lick it off. cuz mexo americano people are really tan but don't look Hispanic.

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Q: How did the new deal discriminate against Mexican Americans?
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How did the New Deal programs discriminate against or neglect minorities?

Certain programs such as the TVA, WPA, CCC, AAA and NLRB discriminated against farmers, women, African Americans, and Native Americans by not hiring or helping them. Also Mexican Americans were discriminated.

How did some New Deal Programs discriminate against African Americans?

Programs like the CCC preferred white people over African Americans

What did the New Deal affect?

The New Deal affected most people in the United States such as:- Farmers- unemployed workers,and workers who belonged to unions....- business groups- young workers- students, teachers, artists, writers, musicians....- Native Americans- Afro-Americans- Women- Some Mexican-Americans- And the poor, and needy.....

What groups did the new deal affect?

The New Deal affected most people in the United States such as:- Farmers- unemployed workers,and workers who belonged to unions....- business groups- young workers- students, teachers, artists, writers, musicians....- Native Americans- Afro-Americans- Women- Some Mexican-Americans- And the poor, and needy.....

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The programs in the New Deal benefited African Americans and black people :)

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The New Deal was fair to Americans at a time when many needed help badly. Whether it was fair to ALL Americans could be a matter of opinion.

How were the tejanos treated after the Mexican war?

They were treated much like the Native Americans. They faced a great deal of prejudice and violence. Their land was taken by American settlers and they were forced to move. Occasionally, the Tejanos rebelled as a result of the discrimination.

What does Make a Deal with the Mexican Cartel give?

Opportunity to buy Private Jets.

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