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If you're referring the the environmental decline in the book, it was because when he was making thneed's, he chopped down trees which make oxygen, and then the factories then polluted the air. The extra products of working a factor made sludge and toxic items that were carelessly dumped, creating a decline.

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The once-ler in The Lorax polluted the air by operating a large factory that emitted smoke and pollutants into the atmosphere. The factory's smokestacks symbolize industrial pollution and the negative impact of human activity on the environment.

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Q: How did the onceler in The Lorax pollute the air?
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Who is the voice of the onceler in The Lorax?

Ed Helms

Are there similes in the Lorax?

Yes, there are similes in "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss. For example, the phrase "his teeth are bold as brass" is a simile comparing the Onceler's teeth to brass in terms of boldness.

In the lorax what does the onceler think is important?

The Once-ler in "The Lorax" thinks that profit and success in business are important. He prioritizes these over environmental conservation and the well-being of the ecosystem around him.

What is a onceler?

The Once-ler is a character from Dr. Seuss' book "The Lorax." He is depicted as a greedy industrialist who cuts down all the truffula trees in the story. The Once-ler's actions result in the destruction of the environment and serve as a cautionary tale about the consequences of unrestrained capitalism.

Why wont the once-ler listen to The Lorax?

The Once-ler is blinded by greed and the desire for profit, so he ignores The Lorax's warnings about the damage he is causing to the environment. He prioritizes his own selfish interests over the well-being of the forest and its inhabitants.

Truffula trees and brown bar-ba-loots are found in what Seuss book?

The loraxthe truffula trees and brown bar-ba-loots are found in the book "The Lorax"they also made a movie about it and in that movie you will also fined a kid that had a crush on a girl and told him about trees and she said if a boy brought me a tree i would marry him on the spot so he went to go find her a tree. but he did not no where so he asked his grandma for help and she said go to the Onceler. so he did. the oncerler told him a story about him. that he had met "Humming Fish, Bar-ba-loots,Swomee Swans, and one of the most important the Lorax. you might be wondering..... what is a Lorax well i tell you he speaks for the 0f the most important trees .truffula trees. the touch of there tufted was softer then silk and they had a sweet smell like butterfly milk. and the onceler met the lorax by cutting down one tree to make a thneed and he got mad. so they made a promiss to each-other the onceler promissed the Lorax he would not cut down anymore trees. until he say someone wanted his thneed and he called his family and they cut down every tree and made all the thneeds all his family left because there where no more trees so they left. and all the animals left because there was nothing else. and so did the the onceler gave the boy the seed for the tree and he planted it and it growed all over town even where the onceler lives. then when the onceler was watering the trees all the animals where coming back. Especially the Lorax.

What are two things that pollute the air?

Cars and gas pollute the air.

Why is it bad to pollute the air?

WE BREATHE the air. If we pollute it, we need air, so we breathe it in and get sick.

Do heaters pollute the air?

Yes. Technically, all air conditioners, fans, and heaters will pollute the air.

Do electric cars pollute?

No. The electric cars don't pollute air, because noxious gas doesn't get out of the tupe and in such way doesn't pollute air.

What is the plural of pollute?

The plural of pollute is pollutes. As in "the factory pollutes the air".

What is The Lorax?

"The Lorax" is a children's book written by Dr. Seuss that tells the story of the Lorax, a small orange creature who speaks for the trees and the environment. The book focuses on themes of environmental conservation and the negative impact of industrialization on nature.