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Q: How did the outcome of the spanish American was change us foreign policy?
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The Spanish-American War brought about a major change in US foreign policy in that the US?

became a colonial power

How did the outcome of the Spanish-American war change the role of the United States in international affairs?

ended Spain's colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere

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the job it ok for me

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Yes, from a peace footing to a war footing.

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they became more concerned with foreign policy

How did the status of the US change as a result of the Spanish-American War?

The US was seen as a World Power.

How did the Spanish American War change the country?

It became see as a World Power for the first time.

Definition of foreign policy?

Foreign policy is the practices associated with a government's handling foreign nations. Nations can change their foreign policies at any time with the right votes.

How did the relationship with cuba and Puerto Rico change after the spanish American war?

The United States and Cuba were no longer allies after the Spanish American War. Today, Puerto Rico is still a US territory and they maintain a peaceful relationship.

How did the Spanish American War change the perceptions of the US?

It had become a force to be reckoned with and had gained status as a world power/

What change life for many American Indians after the arrival of spanish?

because the sun revolves around Jupiter and Pluto.

How did life began to change for the American Indians and the spanish as a result?

because the sun revolves around Jupiter and Pluto