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The dinosaur name oviraptor originally meant "egg thief", because of the fact that an oviraptor skeleton was discovered "stealing" eggs from another dinosaur's nest. But recent evidence actually shows that the oviraptor was just being a good mother and protecting her nest from egg thiefs, but most likely a sand storm.

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Q: How did the oviraptor get its name?
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Related questions

Did oviraptor steal eggs?

Oviraptors did, but scientists found a fossil of one sitting on a clutch of eggs which looked like the eggs from Protoceratops . They were actually Oviraptor eggs. The scientists thought that Oviraptor died when it found the eggs

What does a oviraptor look like?

An oviraptor

What dinosaur's name means Egg Thief?

Oviraptor got its name, "egg thief," because a fossil specimen was found with an Oviraptor buried over a clutch of eggs that were believed to belong to Protoceratops. Ironically, the eggs were its eggs, so it got the name "egg thief" because it was found fossilized protecting its own eggs!

How did Oviraptor travel?


What is the lifespan of an oviraptor?

Oviraptor, by scientific guess, lived around 3 years, maybe 5 if there are few predators. Oviraptor could well defend itself, though. It is probable they could live longer, but we may never know, due to the fact that Oviraptor is extinct.

When did an Oviraptor live?

on earth

What did the oviraptor fear?

Tyrannosaurs like Tarbosaurus and Alioramus, and dromaeosaurs like Velociraptor could have been natural predators of Oviraptor.

How does Oviraptor protect itself?

Oviraptor probably would have run from predators. If it was desperate, it could have attacked by biting them with its beak or attacking with its claws.

Is Gigantoraptor bigger than Oviraptor?

Oviraptor was a small dinosaur, measuring about 6 feet long and a little over 3 feet tall. Gigantoraptor was a close relative, but, as its name suggests, it was big, at 26 feet in length and weighing more than a ton.

Which dinosaurs protected their young?

The Maiasaura and the Oviraptor did.

What environment did the oviraptor live in?

look up

How big is the oviraptor?

about the same size as a ostirch