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Most would have tried to ignore it, as they would not have had medication.

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Q: How did the people in the holocaust deal with pain?
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What was the big deal about the holocaust?

people could not believe that in this modern age that knid of thing could happen.

Why was the Universal Declaration of Human rights ceated?

Because we want to protect people so that we will not have to deal with anymore disasters similar to the Holocaust.

What effect did the Holocaust have on France the the French people?

It had different effects. France has (and especially in the 70's and 80's) the highest number of Holocaust deniers of any nation involved in the Holocaust, it was even in the mainstream media. Much of France was ashamed of their record during the Holocaust, denial was one way to deal with it.

People who dont believe in the Holocaust?

People who do not believe that the holocaust took place are known as 'holocaust deniers.'

Who were the second people attacked by the Holocaust?

The Holocaust did not and could not attack people.

How many people live in the Holocaust?

The Holocaust is not a place.

During the Holocaust which man caused extermination of all people in the concentration camps?

adolf Hitler with a great deal of assistance from his under-dogs. but, they were dealt with after the War

What way did Roosevelt decide was the best way to deal with the holocaust?

He decided that the best way was to secure a military victory and remove the Nazi's power over people.

Did women fight in the Holocaust?

No one fought in the holocaust. People died in the holocaust. People killed people in the holocaust. There was no fighting by men or women....but jsut because there was no fighting, don't think it was peaceful.

What was the outcast of the Holocaust?

the outcast of the holocaust was that millions people were killed and thousand of people was traumatised

What starts with I in the holocaust?

injustis injured in pain imortal inception there thats 5

Who were the suviours of the holocaust?

They were people who suffered during the Holocaust and lived after it.