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Q: How did the photographer of the above image break the distance between the viewer and the subject?
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Answer this question… By capturing something in a specific way to shape what the viewer sees

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The subject matter or what the viewer recognizes as the main subject, intent, or meaning of an artwork?


The subject matter or what the viewer recognizes as the main subject intent or meaning of an artwork.?

A+ answer content of art

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perspective has many purposes.Some of these are: 1 To show distance in your scene i.e objects appearing smaller when the viewer is far and appearing bigger when the viewer is near.2 To make the scene or drawing looks real.

The subject matters or what the viewer recognizes as the main subject intent or meaning of an artwork?


How do photography backdrops help photography in general?

Photography backdrops help photography in general because the drops allow the photographer to fake exotic locations without incurring the actual cost of traveling to said location. A good photographer can create an illusion so real that any viewer will believe they are seeing a photo from an exotic location.