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it flew by aircraft and the russians drobbed through a bomb in an attempt to wipe out the jews

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Q: How did the plague get to Sicily?
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How long does it take before the bubonic plague is recorded in Sicily?

one year

How did the plague travel from Sicily to the European main land?

the Black Death Plague traveled via trade routes. Mainly due to Mongol armies attacking Europe.

How how did the plague reach Sicily?

black death originated in china. It spread via silk road and reached there.

How many people died in Sicily from the plague 1347?

around 20 million people died

What direction did the black death spread during the Th century?

The plague seems to have started in China in the 1330s.In 1347, armies attacking the town of Caffa in the Crimea, catapulted plague corpses into the town. The Italian merchants took the plague with them to Sicily in October 1347. From there then to Europe.

What country did the plauge began in Europe?

The Black Plague was believed to have spread from rats aboard trading ships landing in Sicily from Asia.

Where did the plague go after it hit Sicily?

Black Death moved from cities to cities. it spread in multiple directions at once so hard to tell.

The bubonic plague reached Europe in 1347 when a fleet of Genoese ships arrived in?

The disease reached Europe in 1347 when a fleet of Genoese ships arrived in Messina, Sicily, from Caffa, a port city on the Black Sea.

Who do many think brought the bubonic plague to Europe?

The Bubonic Plague was thought to have been carried by the rats from trading ships coming from Asia. More specifically, it was thought to have come from trading ships coming back from Asia ported in Sicily, and then spread from there.

Why might some historians say that the plague begin in Central Asia?

black death was said to origin in China. In Mongol army camps. It came to Sicily by ships.

When did the bubonic plague hit England?

It began in the spring of 1348, and it wiped out about 50% of the population. Jews rarely got it since they cleaned themselves. Some of the ''cures" were to pop the boobos (boil like things) with a rusty knife, or to put frogs on the boobos and watch the frogs pop. this is where ring around the rosie came from to.

How did the plague help the winner of the peloponnesian war?

It reduced Athens' military strength, which added to its later losses in Sicily and subsequent battles helped significantly weaken Athens fighting capabilities.