

How did the planets and satellites formed?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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From rocks, ice, dust, and gas. This process is called Accretion.

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Q: How did the planets and satellites formed?
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Are moons satellites to planets?

yes moons are satellites to other planets

Why are moons natural satellites to planets?

Satellites are objects placed in orbit by human enterprise. Moons are natural satellites because they orbit planets or other smaller celestial bodies, but are formed in some way out side our control. IE: collisions, captured dwarf planets, or created out of the same Protoplanetary Disk as it's primary.

What are satellites of planets?

Natural satellites of planets are called moons, if they are large enough.

Are the planets are satellites of the sun?

Yes, the planets can be described as being satellites of the sun.

Are planets satellites of the sun?

Yes, the planets can be described as being satellites of the sun.

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What planets in the Solar System have satellites?

All the planets have satellites, except Mercury and Venus.Jupiter

Can Gas planets have satellites?

Yes, any planet can have satellites. Gas planets actually have the most satellites due to their large masses.

What are moons to planets?

Moons are satellites of planets.

What is the source of gravitational pull on the planets?

The gravitational pull on all the planets are artificial satellites because the satellites orbit all the planets!

What makes planets and satellites?

after a star explodes, the star dust coalesces to form more stars, planets, and satellites

What are the name of satellites of your planets?

Please specify which planets you mean.