

How did the revolt of the whiskey rebellion end?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How did the revolt of the whiskey rebellion end?
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In 1794, the United States government sent troops to put down the Whiskey Rebellion, a revolt in western Pennsylvania. This revolt was a response against which government policy?

To tax whiskey

What were many citizens most concerned about after the whiskey rebellion end?

Many citizens were most concerned about money after the end of the Whiskey Rebellion. The nations finances were a major concern at this time.

What was the whiskey rebellion a revolt againts?

The federal government had placed a tax on corn (which is used to make whiskey), so the farmers who relied on the production of the crop for their livelihood rebelled.

What prompted the whiskey rebellion and how did it end?

1791 congress passed law taxing whiskey.farmer converted corn into whiskey because it was shipped and sold.washingtonsent13,000 solider to crush the rebellion.this showed the people that Washington would not accept violence.

Caused rebellion in Pennsylvania?

The federal whiskey tax produced the whiskey rebellion.

What was unfair about the whiskey rebellion?

What was unfair about the whiskey rebellion was that the western farmers from Pennsylvania were taxed on whiskey but the other farmers were not!

How did Washington react to the Whiskey rebellion?

George Washington did react to the whiskey rebellion by sending many federal soldiers who crushed the rebellion.

What came first XYZ affair or whiskey Rebellion?

Whiskey Rebellion - 1791-1794 Jay's Treaty - November 1794

Why the whiskey rebellion occurred?

The whiskey rebellion happened because George Washington had a national debt and taxed people on the whiskey to pay the debt.

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What rebellion was led by the farmers in Massachusetts?

Whiskey rebellion

How many troops did US President George Washington send to end the Whiskey Rebellion?

US President Washington knew he had to keep order and end the Whiskey Rebellion. He personally led 12,000 troops to end it. The troops were militias from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. It should be noted that Alexander Hamilton's new tax laws created the rebellion.