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Q: How did the roman republic attempt to balance its democratic powers?
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The balance between police powers and individual rights is one that must be struck by any democratic society.

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Years of Imperialism from European Powers have made life on the African Continent difficult, in some places outright hell. As for the Democratic Republic of Congo, rape of women has become an epidemic as has Genocide of innocent people. The 'Country' has earned the name of the rape capital of the world.

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Iran has a government similar to the democratic republic of the United States. The government in Turkey is based on separation of powers. Indian government is a secular democratic republic and Saudi Arabia is a monarchy.

What is the Roman government?

the roman republic had a democratic government in that there was a senate and it was indirect autocratic sort of democracy as Rome was divided into castes and they were majorly military statesmen but rome during the ceasers was not so democratic as the powers of the senate were limited and at the mercy of the ceaser

What lesson did framers learn from roman history?

The most important lesson the Framers or the Founding Fathers learned from ancient Roman history concerned the structure of a central government. The Roman Republic had many deficiencies, no question about that. However, the Roman system of dividing the powers of the central government, gave birth to the Framer's "balance of powers" concept in the American Republic.

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Nemesis's powers were Revenge and balance.

What is the system of the government?

The system of government in the United States is a democratic, constitutional republic. Outlined in the U.S. Constitution there are three branches of government; the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. Each branch of government has certain constitutional authorities and powers. The powers of each branch serve as a mechanism for "checks and balances" which empowers the American Democracy.

What is the seraration of powers?

The separation of Powers is an model for the government of both democratic and federate states.

What powers did the government have when Texas became a republic?

the powers that the government had were corageos

The source of powers of government in a democracy comes from who?

In a democracy, the source of power of the government comes from the consent of the governed, meaning the authority of the government is derived from the people through processes like elections and representation. This principle is known as popular sovereignty.

Matters which are not included in the division of powers?

democratic matters

The Soviet premier who wanted peaceful coexistence between democratic and communist powers was?

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