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Q: How did the society of Jesus helpstrengthen the catholic church?
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What was the new religious order founded by the Catholic Church to combat heresy and spread the Catholic faith?

The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits.

Is a Jesuit a Catholic?

No. It is not a "form" of Catholicism per se, rather, it is a religious order within the Catholic Church.

What is the teaching branch of the Catholic Church?

It could be argued that the entire Catholic Church strives to educate and enlighten. One of the largest Roman Catholic orders that teaches is the Jesuits (Society of Jesus), founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola.

What is the best come back ever?

According to the Catholic Church, Jesus Christ.

What is the difference between a jesuit priest and a priest?

A Jesuit priest is a Catholic priest. A Jesuit is someone who is a member of the Society of Jesus, which is a religious order in the Catholic Church.

Who was Jesus father in the Catholic encyclopedia?

The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus' father is God. That is why the Church teaches that Jesus is the Son of God. Joseph was Jesus' step-dad.

What does SJ mean at the end of a person's name?

Society of Jesus It indicates a priest who is part of the Jesuit sector of the Catholic church.

What church did Ignatius Loyola create?

Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, in 1534. The Jesuits became known for their missions, education, and role in the Counter-Reformation in the Catholic Church.

What is a cathlic?

It seems there may be a typo in your question. If you are asking about "Catholic," it is a denomination of Christianity that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ as passed down through the Apostles and interpreted by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

Who began the Catholic church?

Catholics believe that Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church.

What is a catholic who has S.J. after his name respected?

A Catholic with "S.J." after their name is a member of the Society of Jesus, a religious order within the Catholic Church known for their commitment to education, social justice, and missionary work. They are often respected for their dedication to serving others, intellectual pursuits, and leadership within the Church and society.

Why kill Jesus then support his killers in the Roman Catholic Church and pope?

It was the Roman authorities that killed Jesus, not the Roman Catholic Church.