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Q: How did the soldiers feel on the train to russia in world war 1?
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How would you feel if you were stopped by the German soldiers?

I will feel very nervous if I were stopped by the Germans soldiers.

How did Russia feel about the allies of world war 2?

Russia was confused, and frustrated because they didn't know what to do. Hitler caused a lot of unneeded stress, on all of us,

How did soldiers feel about D-day?

The soldiers were eager to get World War II over with. The strategies laid out for the D-Day invasion proved to be quite stressful for the men, but they needed to do their job and they did.

How did Russia and Austria-Hungary feel about each other before World War 1?

maybe it will be sad {I said maybe}

Why did German soldiers not feel defeated after World War 1?

The German's didn't feel defeated, because Hitler promised them for world domination. That he'd fix Germany and make it the capital of the world, and how he promised everyones life to get better. So the soldiers were still thinking that they could win the next war (aka WW2 (World War 2) ) As a people, the Germans did not feel they had been really defeated in WW I - only "humiliated". Hitler played on that.

How did the American soldiers of World War I feel about fighting?

the soldiers must have felt scared lonely and useless. they where cold dirty and gritty in the trenches they all wanted to be home where they all felt safe.

How did the soldiers feel in Pearl Harbor?


World War 2 how did the soldiers feel when their general would yell over the top?

Completely different war. you're thinking of WW1.

How did trench warfare in world war 1 on the western front shape soldiers?

Soldiers would get sickness like trench foot and lice infection. soldiers would develop extreme cases of shell shock and die. How would you feel if your friends were getting killed by mortars... trenches were NOT a good thing for soldiers

How did Danish people feel about German soldiers?

the danish really hated the soldiers because the soldiers were very cruel and everyone, especially the Jews suffered

Why did balkan people feel closer to russia than austria?

The majority of the population of the Balkans and Russia are the Slavs. So, they shared that, and they felt closer to Russia.

What did soldiers feel like in ww2?

They felt like soldiers in every war: tired, hungry, scared, and hopeful.