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The terrible transformation refers to the process of colonization and its impact on indigenous peoples. It involved forced assimilation, loss of culture and language, displacement from ancestral lands, violence, and exploitation. This process was often driven by economic interests, power dynamics, and beliefs of superiority.

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Q: How did the terrible transformation happen?
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Why did the terrible transformation happen?

The terrible transformation happened due to a variety of factors, including historical injustices, colonialism, slavery, and systemic inequality. These elements combined to create power structures that marginalized, oppressed, and exploited certain groups of people, leading to lasting social, economic, and political consequences.

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The Maafa refers to the transatlantic slave trade that resulted in Africans being forcibly taken from their homeland, enduring brutal conditions during the Middle Passage, and being subjected to dehumanizing treatment as slaves in the Americas. This resulted in the loss of lives, culture, and generational trauma for African descendants.

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I think it would be CANCER or DEATH!! Cancer can cause suffer DEATH is pure TERROR

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