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To answer this we need to also take a look at where the Christmas tree came from. The Christmas tree came from the Germanic regions. Origionally it was part of a Pagan festival called the "12 Rauhnachte," which means 12 harsh nights. During the winter, the Germanic people observed that everything seemingly died, and turned brown, with the exception of only a few evergreens. They superstitiously blamed evil spirits for causing all the plants to die. The evergreens that stayed alive became a symbol of life and immortality to them, so they included the tree into the festival.

This Pagan ritual occurred during the end of December, through the beginning of January. The tree was brought indoors on Dec 24, and removed on Jan 6. They believed that the life-saving power of the evergreen could protect them and their homes from the evil spirits. Later the tree began to be decorated with fruit and other colorful items.

Somewhere around the 1300's or maybe 1400's, the tree was excepted by the Catholic church as an addition to the Christmas holiday. This was fitting, since the Christmas holiday itself was adopted from another Pagan ritual known as the Saturnalia.

The Saturnalia was a festival to the sun god Mithras, also known as Ra. This festival was winter festival, which occurred at the end of December and celebrated fertility and immortality. Like Christmas, the Saturnalia also included the exchanging of gifts, decorating of homes, and general merry-making.

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Q: How did the tradition of putting decorations on a Christmas tree start?
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Where did the tradition of Christmas trees start?

The idea of Christmas trees came from Germany, when the king decided to put his family presents under a tree, it then became a family-tradition and spread country after country and became very popular in the Christian religion.

When do stores and farmers start to sell Christmas trees?

The start selling Christmas trees in the Fall along with Halloween costumes, ect.

How did the christmas tree tradition start?

It comes from the ancient Celts. They would bring in fir/pine trees during the winter solstice because it was one of the few plants still alive in winter. When the Catholic church began to use the ancient customs as part of the conversion of the tribes they used the items all ready in use. For Christ Mass they used the fir/pine tree, but because of its shape they related the three points on the tree to the Trinity. As time went on people began to decorate the tree. The Germans added candles and other items to the tree and in the 1800's when the Dickens Christmas Story was published Christmas became a major holiday with a tree, dinner, gifts, and crackers. Everyone wanted to copy the day from the story. Add other things like Santa and you move towards the Christmas that we have today. By-the-way the red suit Santa comes from a Coke Cola ad in the early 1900's. He was dressed all in red and white since those are the colors of the product. The company still uses him today in their ads.

Do enzymes work by providing energy to initiate reaction?

No they do not supply energy to start a chemical reaction, however energy has something to do with it. Enzymes actually lower energy barriers, in other words it reduces the activation energy needed which is the energy absorbed before the chemical reaction can start.

What happens at a start codon?

A start codon signals the start of translation

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Christmas tree traditions originated in Germany in the 1500s. It is believed that Martin Luther started the tradition by putting candles on a pine tree. When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, a few years later someone thought of making tiny bulbs to decorate Christmas trees.

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Some people start decorating as soon as immediately after Thanksgiving. However, as a general rule of thumb, most start their decorating on or before Dec. 1st with larger items.

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Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) did not "start" the Christmas tradition. The "Christmas tradition" dates back to at least the 4th century, though early Christians were celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ long before that.

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Any decorations that you buy together would be good. Or any decorations that you make together. The main thing in a first Christmas as a married couple is to make it special for you.