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Q: How did the us apply the Roosevelt corollary in the Caribbean?
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The Roosevelt corollary protected these us interests?

The Roosevelt Corollary protected economic interests.

Under the Roosevelt Corollary the US?

The Roosevelt Corollary stated that the united states could claim the right to protect its economic interest by means of military intervention.

The US as an international police power?

Roosevelt Corollary

What was Roosevelt's corollary to the Monroe doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine states the US will oversee Latin nations, the Roosevelt Corollary allowed Roosevelt to militarily enter such Latin Nations.

What was Roosevelt corollary an extension of?

The Roosevelt Corollary was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine. It meant that the US had the right to protect their financial interests in South America.

What statement is true A The Roosevelt Corollary led to US intervention in the economies of Latin America B The Roosevelt Corollary led to U S involvement in European economics C The Roosevelt?

the Roosevelt corollary led to U.S. intervention in the economies of Latin America.

Where did the US first apply the roosevelt corollary?

In 1904. In Santo Domingo U.S business groups came into conflict with German and French interests. The US minister to santo domingo, William F Powell appealed to the US government for the protection on behalf of US shipping companies and bankers. These foreign rivalries triggered internal disputes as a result.

What was the roosevelt corollary proclaimed us authority over?

Latin America

What was the principle behind the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine states the US will oversee Latin nations, the Roosevelt Corollary allowed Roosevelt to militarily enter such Latin Nations.

How did the US use monroe doctrine and roosevelt corollary to influence latin American affairs?

Asserted the right of the United States to intervene to stabilize the economic affairs of small nations in the Caribbean and Central America if they were unable to pay their international debts.

Which foreign policy promoted the us as the policeman of western hemisphere?

The Roosevelt Corollary

What declared that the US could exercise international police in the Western Hemisphere?

Roosevelt Corollary