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The Zealots were the people just under the Pharisees. They absolutely hated the Romans because they ruled their land. The Zealots wanted Jesus dead because He did not live up to their expectations as the Messiah. As Messiah Jesus was expected to deliver all the other nations into the hands of the Zealots but He did none of these things, therefore the Zealots got annoyed and they wanted Him dead. The Zealots also wanted to kill Jesus for his sympathetic behaviour towards tax collectors. This is because the Zealots as a group were strongly different to any form of Roman rule and therefore would have been angry with Jesus for encouraging other Jews to pay their taxes to Caesar whom they opposed. The Zealots wanted to be in charge instead of the Romans: they didn't like the Romans but Jesus liked them! Jesus talked to them, told people to accept them and Jesus welcomed EVERYONE so this also meant the Romans and the Zealots definitely did not like that.

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10y ago

During the time of Jesus Christ, Judea was part of the Roman empire. At first the zealots who wanted to rid themselves of Roman rule believed that Jesus was the messiah that came to Judea to defeat the Romans and make Judea free. Later when it was clear that Jesus was not a politician or warrior to save Judea from Roman rule, Jesus was considered a menace.

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11y ago

were very violence as they got in trouble by the Roman a lot

There was a person who wrote this before me GREAT SPELLING OMG

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In Jesus' time the Zealots were a fanatical underground group of Jewish patriots who were sworn to try and drive the hated Romans from Israel.

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No, "zealot" was not a term applied to the twelve, though it can rightly be said that they were "zealous" for Jesus.Only one of Jesus' twelve, a second Simon (not Peter), was known as "the zealot" (Luke 6:15).

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Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet of God.hope this helps! :)

Why did the zealots attack the Romans?

The Zealots didn't attack the Romans. The Romans were going to attack but all the Zealots killed themselves. Over 960 children, men and woman died. Now, that's a different story. They believe the Romans attacked, or were going to attack, because the Zealots would, in a way, pull pranks on the Romans. The Romans got tired of living over 1,000 feet below the Zealots because it also gave the Zealots a advantage at numerous things.Hoped this helped!:)

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