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Q: How did they make graph charts before computers?
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What do scientists use their data to make charts and to communicate the results of the experiment?

this answer would be: graph

How do you make a pie graph chart?

Microsoft Excel program enables you to create pie charts.

How do you make a circle graph on Excel?

A circle graph is usually called a Pie or Donut graph. You highlight the data you want to graph and click on the type of graph you want to insert. You will find graphs on the Instert Tab in the Graphs section.You can use Excel to make the following types of Charts and Graphs:ColumnLinePieBarAreaX Y (Scatter)StockSurfaceDoughnutBubbleRadar

What do Points to consider when making charts and graphs includes?

Does making a chart or graph help people to understand the data better. If not, don't bother. Would it be simpler just to say it in a few words? If so, don't make a chart or graph.

Which type of graph shows the relative percents of the parts that make up the whole?

A pier chart is used to compare relative parts of a whole.

Is it helpful to make an estimate before finding the size of a circle graph?


Is it helpful to make an estimate before finding the size of a piece of a circle graph?


What Method did scientists use to locate earthquakes before computers?

Seismographs still, but computers make it faster and easier to use

How does the colour make the charts easier to read?

If you have a chart that has white paper you should use dark ink in your graph to make it easier to see if you have allot of that ink of dark color you should use lighter ink to store your data but darker than your paper. Or step back away from your graph and see if you could read it.

What are the scientific ways on collecting data?

well make charts or graghs like line graphs, bar graphs, or a pie graph and just keep tract of every slight change!!yea

How can you make a graph with this experiment?

To make a graph with an experiment, it would be wise to make a short graph at first. Make a rough draft using basic numbers, and draw the graph after the information is gathered.

How do you make a scale on a graph?

you make a line graph and then put a scale on it