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they painted by using a egg and rocks and dirt to make paint

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Q: How did they paint in the old days?
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Why did the color change from gray to white in the white house?

Well, we have more accurate paints now and in old days we made paint poorly. Well, we have better paints now and in the old days we had less efficient ways of making paint that lasted.

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Why paint on rocks during the old stone age?

because paper was not discovered during those days

Ten people can paint 60 houses in 120 days so five people can paint 30 houses in how many days?

The answer is 120. If 10 people can paint 60 houses in 120 days, that means 5 people can paint 60 houses in 240 days (inverse proportion). Therefore, if 5 people were to paint 30 houses it would take 120 days.

Will Benjamin Moore take old paint?

Paint thinner, and a little elbow grease with a paint scraper.

Which artists use acrylic paint?

Acrylic paint is very common these days.

Did Helen Keller ever paint pictures of Raggedy Anne Dolls?

In the old days, young girls were taught to sew and read with a straight posture. And Raggedy Anne was a famous show on the old days. So I say yes! She did do that.( Or maybe)

If five men can paint 2 houses in 3 days how many men can paint 6 houses in 4 days?


What are the release dates for Old Paint - 1969?

Old Paint - 1969 was released on: USA: 1969

How do you remove old paint from a dado?

Use a paint-stripper solution. There are many available. Read the instructions carefully. It may be easiest to just paint over the old paint.

If it takes 7 men 5 days to paint 3 houses how long will it take 10 men to paint 15 houses?

45 days

How use paint?

There are many kinds of paint available in market these days and it really depends on where you will be applying your paint. Each place or material has its specific kinds of paint.