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he thought they had the right

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Q: How did thomas Jefferson justify the killing of innocent people during the french revolution?
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How did Jefferson Davis feel about john brown and his activities in bleeding kansas?

I am doing a project on Jefferson Davis in social studies and my teacher was talking about this question. Jefferson Davis felt that John Brown's activities were wrong and his behavior was wrong. John Brown was basically killing slaves and Jefferson Davis did not like this. Jefferson Davis was a loyal man and respected his slaves. He was a kind slaveowner from the south. When John Brown was killing the slaves in "Bleeding Kansas", Jefferson Davis did not like it because they were killing innocent slaves who Jefferson Davis respected and considered slaves as people

What do you call the killing of an innocent person?

Killing a person is either murder or manslaughter even if they are not that innocent (not counting death penalty).

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There are things that legally justify killing a person-- but the word "murder" means an unjustified killing. A killing in self defense, for example, may be a justifiable homicide and not a crime.

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Islam is not killing innocent people. We shouldn't blame a nation because of few sick people.

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No it does not mean that you are killing an innocent child, it just prevents an unwanted pregnancy. An abortion means you are killing an innocent child. Birth control just means your being safe.

What quran say about terrorism?

Killing an innocent is like killing all the humanity.

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Killing tons of innocent people worldwide.

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it led to the unity of the filipino citizens seing the cruelty of the Spaniards upon killing innocent people and have a revolution to fight for their freedom

What did Scott mean by ''it would be like killing a mocking bird''?

Scott was likely referring to the idea of causing harm to something innocent and harmless, which is similar to killing a mockingbird—an innocent creature that brings beauty and joy. It suggests that the action would be unjust and cruel, with no justification.


Yes killing or hurting innocent people is haram.

Why people don't love bullfight?

because you are killing innocent animals.