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Q: How did traditional maori wash their hair?
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What is wash in Maori?

Horoi is the Māori word for wash.

What is the name of the traditional fenced maori village?

The traditional fenced Maori village is called a "pa." It is a fortified area that served as a village or settlement for Maori communities in New Zealand.

What is the traditional maori feast called?

The traditional Maori feast is called Hungi.

What is the name of the fenced maori village?

A pa is a traditional Maori fortified village.

How did traditional maori wear their hair?

Traditional Maori often wore their hair long and tied back in a topknot or bun, known as a "topknot" or "piupiu." They also adorned their hair with feathers, shells, and other decorations that held cultural significance. Maori men sometimes also wore facial tattoos known as moko that covered part of their face and head.

Where are Maori from?

Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand. They have a rich history and culture that is deeply connected to the land and sea of Aotearoa, their traditional homeland.

What were the traditional maori homes called?

Traditional Maori homes are called "whare" which are typically meeting houses that serve as communal gathering spaces for social, cultural, and spiritual activities. These structures are often made from wood and thatch, and feature intricate carvings and decorations that hold deep cultural significance.

What is the traditional name for a Maori village?

The traditional name for a Maori village is "marae." It is a central place for social, cultural, and religious activities within the Maori community.

What is the maori traditional dress called?

Piu Piu is the name for a so called "maori skirt"

What kind of jewelry do maori's wear?

Jewelery usually made from traditional materials such as stone (particularly pounamu) bone and shell, and usually of traditional Maori design.

What does makawe mean in maori?

"Makawe" is a Maori term that means "shark." In Maori culture, sharks are believed to be guardians and have spiritual significance.

How did Maori entertain themselves?

Just two are that the Maori told traditional stories and watched dance performances.