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Q: How did unhealthy living conditions and limited medical knowledge affect life in the medieval towns?
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How did unhealthy living conditions and limited medical knowledge affect in life in medieval European towns?

Unhealthy living conditions and the lack of understanding ofhow diseases spread caused many illnesses and deaths.

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How was the life in the medieval life like and how hard was it?

Life in medieval times was challenging due to high mortality rates, limited medical knowledge, poor sanitation, and frequent wars. People had to work hard for a living, often relying on agriculture and manual labor. Social hierarchy was strict, with peasants having limited rights and facing hardships such as famine and disease.

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Bun was the role of the group which was limited in medival european society.

What was the living conditions in the medieval times?

The lives of all the classes, rich and poor, were dominated by the feudal system. People tended to live in small communities and there was a central lord or master. This arrangement was necessary for safety and for defense. As the populations of medieval towns and cities increased, the hygienic conditions began to worsen this lead to an increase in the rate of diseases. Medical knowledge was limited and limited health care was available to the common people. Antibiotics were not invented until the 1800s and it was almost impossible to cure diseases without them. The lifestyle of peasants in Medieval England was extremely hard and harsh. Many worked as farmers in fields owned by the lords and their lives were controlled by the farming year.

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The convicts were most prone to cholera and dysentery while they travelled on the First Fleet, due to the unhealthy conditions and lack of good nutrition. Once they arrived in Australia, there were incidences of scurvy due to their limited diet.

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What were living conditions during medieval time?

Living conditions in the Medieval times were very poor, a lot of homes were built without windows as to add extra security to the homes and this inevitably had an effect on the conditions inside the home. For one, they were very cold, sleeping conditions would be horrendous without enough layers of blankets which many peasants did not have. Homes were also damp and dark, self explanatory taking into account the window-less space, the only light and fresh air that would be circulating the quarters would be that which came from an open door. These poor conditions and the growing population, which would later lead to over-population and lack of supplies, meant that in the Medieval times hygienic conditions continued to deteriorate. Medical knowledge was poor and very limited, as was the Medical care available to the common people. Many people believed that if someone caught an illness, disease, or fell down sick, it was because of that person's sins. God was punishing them for the sins that they committed. Hygiene and poor health didn't even come into the calculations until the 18th century - when antibiotics were created.

What medical knowledge did peasants have?

They had a very limited knowledge, although some may have had some knowledge of medicinal herbs. In their defence: medical doctors also had very limited knowledge of most diseases and their causes or treatment, a situation that lasted until the advent of the 20th century.

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