

How did vegetation change since the dinosaurs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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there where confers not trees

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Q: How did vegetation change since the dinosaurs?
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What is one way vegetation has changed since the time of dinosaurs?

Since the Mesozoic era, a lot of flowering plants have been dominated by trees and food bearing plants.

What is Mexicos vegetation?

trees cactus pink poisonous flowers dinosaurs

How did life change since the dinosaurs died?

Since dinosaurs died out, terrestrial fauna that was once reptile based has been replaced by a wide variety of mammals. Also, flowering plants are the dominant flora.

Why have dinosaurs not changed since the prehstoric times?

I am not sure I understand your question. However, while dinosaurs were alive for 160 million years, they did evolve and change a lot. Their descendants, the birds, have also evolved considerably since the extinction of the dinosaurs, and continue to do so even today.

Do carnivore dinosaurs eat plants and vegetation?

No that would be an herbivore. Carnivores eat strictly meat.

What does desertification do to climate?

Desertification causes the area to have a lack of rain since there is a lack of vegetation. This will change the climate to an arid state.

How does vegetation change when wolves are introduced in a park?

The vegetation does not change. Wolves are meat eaters so they don't eat the vegetation so their impact is close to zero.

Were Jurassic dinosaurs bigger than triassic dinosaurs?

Yes. This is mainly due to the sudden increase of vegetation during the Jurassic as well as the fact that the vegetation was getting much abundant, with more vegetation comes more oxygen. this sudden increase of vegetation allows herbivores of that time to grow in size (Eg. Protosauropods from the Triassic to Sauropods like Diplodicus and Brachiosaur in the Jurassic). With larger Herbivores comes in larger carnivores, the once abundant Ceratosaurus has been reduced due to competition with larger and more advance carnivore like Allosaurus. So yes Jurassic dinosaurs were indeed bigger and ADVANCE due to larger vegetation and increase in oxygen.

In general how does biodiversity vary across the biosphere?

Biodiversity can change by mass distinction, natural disasters, hunting through humans and from their predators, Diseases, and etc. For example, existance of dinosaurs have changed since they are extinct. That proves that biodiversity has changed since dinosaurs no longer exist.

When building construction decreases vegetation that obsorbs water runoff it increases the effects the effects of which event?

Dinosaurs are real,

What are two ways the climate has changed since the time of the dinosaurs?

Since the time of the dinosaurs, the temperature has cooled, and the earth has become more humid.

Are dinosaurs stil alive?

No dinosaurs are not still alive there are some relatives of dinosaurs that have been alive since dinosaurs like alligators and crocodiles even tigers and elephants.