

How did water wheels work?

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13y ago

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It works by using gravityand the power of a wheel and axle. (I looked it up)

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13y ago
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Q: How did water wheels work?
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The benefits of water wheels?

Water wheels were used to generate power during the Industrial Revolution. Water wheels can also aerate the water in a pond. A water could be used to generate power to run a windmill.

What are some types of water wheels?

Some types of water wheels include overshot wheels, undershot wheels, breastshot wheels, and pitchback wheels. These water wheels differ in the way the water flows over or under them to generate mechanical power.

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How are water wheels similar to hydroelectric power plants?

Moving water turns both water wheels and hydroelectric power plants.

What is a water wheel?

The water runs into cups and the wheel rotates under the weight of it

How water wheels were used int he middle ages in drive a mill to grind flour?

The wheels were powered by water

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Get some water

How is electricity is produced by water?

Water wheels, turbines.