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Weber believed that social class was based on a combination of factors such as wealth, power, and prestige, while Marx focused mainly on economic factors like ownership of the means of production. Weber also emphasized the role of status groups and parties in shaping social stratification, in addition to economic inequality. Overall, Weber's view of social class was more multifaceted and multidimensional compared to Marx's more economically centered perspective.

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Q: How did weber view of social class differ from marx?
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How did Karl Marx and Max Weber differ in their theoretical assumptions?

Karl Marx focused on the economic factors related to societal change, emphasizing class struggle and the role of capitalism. Max Weber, on the other hand, highlighted the importance of cultural, political, and social factors in shaping society. Marx's theory centers on the conflict between social classes, while Weber's theory includes elements such as rationalization and bureaucracy.

How did Karl marx differ from max webber in his conception of social class?

Karl Marx viewed social class primarily in terms of economic relationships and the ownership of the means of production, with a focus on exploitation by the ruling capitalist class. Max Weber, on the other hand, considered social class as multidimensional, incorporating factors such as wealth, status, and power within society. Weber also emphasized the importance of social stratification based on prestige and social closure.

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The sociologist who merged Marx's emphasis on class conflict with Weber's recognition of power in stratification is Max Weber. Weber's concept of social stratification goes beyond economic class and includes factors like power and status as well. He believed that power relations between different social groups are crucial in understanding societal inequality.

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no that was karl marx

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What is the Social class definition?

Social class is a grouping of people based on rank or status.According to Weber, a large group of people who rank close to one another in property (wealth), power, and prestige; according to Marx, one of two groups: capitalists who own the means of production or workers who sell their labor

What social class would most likely agree with Karl Marx's theories in sociology?

Individuals from the working class and lower middle class are more likely to agree with Karl Marx's theories in sociology. Marx's ideas emphasize the struggle between social classes and the exploitation of the working class by the capitalist class, which resonates more with those who are at the lower end of the social hierarchy.

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Does marx or weber's explanation of rationalization of society seem sensible to you?

Both Marx and Weber offer valuable insights into the rationalization of society. Marx focuses on economic class struggle and the impact of capitalism on society's structure, whereas Weber emphasizes the role of bureaucracy and rational-legal authority in shaping modern society. Both perspectives provide interesting viewpoints on how societal rationalization occurs through different mechanisms.

According to the theoretical position developed by Karl Marx what is the engine of social change?

According to Karl Marx, the engine of social change is class struggle. Marx believed that conflicts between different economic classes, particularly between the bourgeoisie (owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (working class), would lead to revolutionary change and the eventual establishment of a classless society.