

How did you discover the use of eggs in cooking?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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I found that the most interesting use for eggs in cooking is in fried rice. It is a really easy meal to make (made mostly with leftovers), and tastes really yummy if you scramble an egg in with it.

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By cooking/eating them..

How to make great eggs?

The best how to make great scrambled eggs is to use a spoon to gently scrape the eggs up while cooking instead of mixing the eggs in a bowl before cooking.

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Use a little butter in a nonstick pan.

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Because in a lot of recipes you have to beat your eggs. Especially when you are baking something you don't use them as much when you are cooking.

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Old Woman Cooking Eggs was created in 1618.

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Cooking the eggs is a chemical change because the heat alters the molecular structure of the egg proteins, causing them to denature and coagulate. Adding milk to the eggs is a physical change because the milk remains unchanged in composition and simply mixes with the eggs.

How long are chicken eggs good after cooking them?

Use the eggs within a week. The U.S.D.A. recommends that hard boiled eggs be stored in a fridge within two hours of cooking and consumed within 7 days. As with all food leftovers "when in doubt throw it out".

What can be uswhat can you substitute for eggs?

Heavy cream can be used as a substitute for eggs. You can also use some sort of oil as a substitute, but this will depend on what you are making or cooking.

What is eggs over hard?

Eggs over hard is a way of cooking eggs.

Should scramble eggs be stored constantly during cooking?

Yes, you will need to scramble eggs constantly during cooking.

Is it safe to put salt into raw eggs before cooking?

Yes, it's safe to salt eggs before cooking them.

Can cooking eggs be easier?

it will be if your an adult