

How did your gerbil get pregnant without a male?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Sorry - that's not possible ! If you bought your gerbil from a pet store - chances are it had contact with a male before you got it.

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Q: How did your gerbil get pregnant without a male?
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You put her in with a male gerbil.

How do you get your gerbil pregnant?

Put it with a male gerbil and have no other gerbils except them two they will become friends and may have interest in the other gerbil. Hope this info helped!!!!

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Like if you intruduce a baby gerbil to a female and a male gerbil they might be nice to him but the male gerbil might play fight or fight in the cage i do not think if you leave the baby gerbil in the same cage with the male gerbil or a female gerbil the female gerbil migt fight or play fight with the baby gerbil if u do please be real care full because if the male gerbil no that the babby gerbil if its a baby girl gerbil yhey will mate or if u do the same with the adult female gerbil they mate to with a baby boy gerbil or adult gerbil will mate to and also mate means that the female gerbil have babbies with the male gerbils .

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a gerbil is called a gerbil

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Yes, the parents do not fight. Also, If you let them keep their litter, they will not produce another litter until the current litter has grown up.

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A male gerbil is called a buck sonic luva22: wrong! a female is a Sow and a male is a Boar Sonic luva is thinking of Guinea Pigs...Male gerbils are bucks, female are does.

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Once the gerbil is pregnant, the male should be put into another cage, away from the female. In fact the female's cage should be in a quiet, isolated place. Then, she is more likely to feed and care for the pups. So, remove the male from the cage ASAP.

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Yes you have to separate the male gerbil from the female with her babies because if you leave the male with the female and her babies the male will kill them.

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Hi my name is Melina and i am 9 years old. I think it would be best to start out with a female because if you have a female hamster of gerbil or something of the rodent family if you have a male and you put it in with your hamster or gerbil female the results may end in you hamster and/or gerbil may become pregnant.

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