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Persons today give consent to taxation because whoever lives in the country will benefit from it and hopefully in some way the money you pay with tax will benefit the population as a result. We vote for the governors and the people in Congress.

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Q: How do American people today give consent to taxation?
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How do people today give consent taxation?

The government assumes one has given consent by silence.

How do people today give consent to taxation?

The government assumes one has given consent by silence.

How do persons today give consent to taxation?

Persons today give consent to taxation because whoever lives in the country will benefit from it and hopefully in some way the money you pay with tax will benefit the population as a result. We vote for the governers and the people in Congress

What are two issues that concern American citizens today that concerned American colonist long ago?

Two issues that concern American citizens today, which also concerned American colonists long ago, are taxation and representation and individual rights. American colonists protested against taxation without representation and fought for their individual rights, which influenced the foundations of the American Revolution. Today, these issues continue to be a concern among American citizens, with debates over fair taxation systems and the protection of individual rights.

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People who have citizenship card are considered as an American today..........

What became the slogan for colonial protest?

"No taxation without representation!"was popular with patriots of the era.The Culpeper (Commonwealth of Virginia) minutemen originated a company flag depicting a rattlesnake, with the phrases "Liberty or death" and "Don't tread on me" emblazoned upon it. These phrases are still popular today.

Why was the tax too high for the colonists on the stamp act?

The question above represents a common misunderstanding regarding the reason for the colonies resistance to taxation from Great Britain. Most Americans today believe that it was an issue of how high the tax was and the burden that it would have placed upon the people. This is incorrect. The colonies resistance to taxation is directly connected to the issue of internal vs. external taxation. Internal taxation is taxes placed upon the people by representatives of the people. External taxation is taxes imposed upon a people that has no representation in the body that makes the decision. James Otis is claimed to have stated that, "Taxation without representation is tyranny". The colonists believed that laws imposed on a people that have no voice is a form of tyranny. The issue wasn't with a percentage, the issue was with liberty.

What is American Continental Cuisine?

The food we eat today. That has been influnced by other coutries cultures and such.

When did the first Australian pensions get issued?

The Old age Pension Bill was introduced in 1908. From 1910 Pensions were paid out of taxation collected from the people and from 1946 pensions were paid out of taxation PLUS a further tax. The age pension was self funded by contributions and this continues to this day it is simply incorporated in general taxation. Politicians saying that today's taxpayers are funding retirement pensions are incorrect. The Old age Pension Bill was introduced in 1908. From 1910 Pensions were paid out of taxation collected from the people and from 1946 pensions were paid out of taxation PLUS a further tax. The age pension was self funded by contributions and this continues to this day it is simply incorporated in general taxation. Politicians saying that today's taxpayers are funding retirement pensions are incorrect.

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Census was not a person. The census was an early Roman form of registration of its citizens for taxation purposes. Today, the census is the government's way of finding out where people live and what they do.

How are African American women viewed in today's society?

African American women are viewed as people, humans and they are treated equally to everyone else. There are people who treat them badly and view them badly, but it not commonly found today.

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See: Vietnamese American.