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ang panget mo kasi eh hahahahahahah.....................................

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Henriette Pagac

Lvl 13
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Q: How do Asian and African art forms reflect nature and the art of the common folk?
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What are the art forms you see and experienced in the philippines which are similar to those from other countries in south east asian countries?

malay ko

What are the similarities and differences of southeast Asian arts?

we need to study about sex na tanga and the iyutan sa gabi un lang tnx

What are some traditional art forms in the Philippines?

The Philippines is an Asian country made of small islands. Some traditional art forms in the Philippines are dance and pottery.

What does a spider lily tattoo symbolize?

In some Asian cultures, the spider lily symbolizes death, and the journey to the next life. Taking this into consideration, a spider lily tattoo may represent death, the memory of a loved one, the belief in life after death, or even just an affection for the beautiful flower itself.

What does a tiger tattoo symbolize?

The tiger symbolizes invincibility, might, and power. In Japanese tattoos, the tiger is sometimes partnered with a dragon to symbolize heaven and earth: yin and yang. The tiger represents strength purity and beauty. Tiger Designs & Symbols - The Tiger is a potent symbol across Asia in many cultures and has long been a fixture in indigenous tattooing in India, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Japan. Tigers are associated with power, ferocity, passion and sensuality, beauty and speed, cruelty and wrath. The appearance of a tiger in a dream may signal that new power or passion may awaken within you. In Asia the tiger is associated with the power and might of kings, a position similar to the Lion in the Middle East and Europe. (not a terribly surprising symbolism for apex predators who early men would have seen as direct competitors and potent threats - see also sharks, bears, wolves and lions). The Koreans call the tiger the 'King of the Animals'. In Hinduism the god Shiva, in his aspect of the destroyer, is depicted wearing a tiger skin and riding a tiger. The tiger is generally seen as a symbol of power and strength, but also of destruction and violence. The tiger can be a symbol of both life and death, evil and evil's senseless or destructive power. In China, tiger images are used as charms to ward off evil. Stone tigers are common protective guards outside of buildings and houses. At the time of the Chou dynasty, images of tigers were hung in pregnant woman's rooms to protect the unborn baby. In some areas tigers are thought to punish sinners, in the name of a supreme being, by attacking them. Some Asian cultures have stories about weretigers, people that can change themselves into tigers, much like the werewolves seen in horror movies. According to their legends, the Tibetans and Na-hsi of the Yunnan province in China have descended from tigers. The Na-hsi give tiger figures to boys and girls at their coming-of-age ceremonies and also to newly wed couples. Year of the (Chinese Zodiac Symbol) Born in 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010. You are sensitive, emotional, and capable of great love. However, you have a tendency to get carried away and be stubborn about what you think is right; often seen as a "Hothead" or rebel. Your sign shows you would be excellent as a boss, explorer, race car driver, or matador.

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· Asian and African indigenous art reflect nature and the life of the common folk through various media techniques and processes based on the factors of time, climate, resources, ideas and historical and cultural context.

How do asian and african indigenous art forms reflect nature and the life of the common folk?

ang panget mo kasi eh hahahahahahah.....................................

How do Asian and African arts form reflect art nature and the art of common folk?

ang panget mo kasi eh hahahahahahah.....................................

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· Asian and African indigenous art reflect nature and the life of the common folk through various media techniques and processes based on the factors of time, climate, resources, ideas and historical and cultural context.

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lemestro ma gos troanmo to lamiro gos tranos ganis to gistros<granmoskra to,atarto,gado, gramas gators IYOT TA BE

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lemestro ma gos troanmo to lamiro gos tranos ganis to gistros<granmoskra to,atarto,gado, gramas gators IYOT TA BE

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How do Asian and African arts forms reflects nature and the art of the common folk?

ang panget mo kasi eh hahahahahahah.....................................

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it reflect by using camera and welcome to me

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