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There is no "typical", but common greetings are: * "Good morning" * "Hello" * "G'day"

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Q: How do Australian family members typically greet one another?
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Yes, Australian Magpies are members of the family Artamidae.

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Yes, you can search for another family member.

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an Australian family is a family that has been brought up to be an Australian.

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Typically, parents or other family members care for patients with chickenpox.

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What are the adaptations of the Australian tiger?

There is no such creature as an Australian tiger, and there are no members of the cat family native to Australia. There was once a marsupial mistakenly called a Tasmanian Tiger, which died out in the 1930s, but this animal was not a member of the tiger family, or even remotely related.

What family does the kookaburra come from?

Kookaburras are birds and therefore members of the class Aves. They are members of the kingfisher family. The scientific family in which they are classified is Halcyonidae.

What instrmunts are in the brass family?

The tuba, the trumpet, the trombone and the french horn are all members of the brass family. However, not all instruments made from brass are members of the brass family. For example, the saxophone is typically made of brass, but it is a member of the woodwind family.

What is another name for family members?

Kin, relatives, siblings, clan.

What was one of the cruelest of slavery?

one of the cruelest parts of slavery was the selling of the family members away from one another. Family members that did stay together took comfort in their family lives. :]