

How do Christians settle issues?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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That depends on whether the other parties involved in the issue are Christians themselves. And it depends on if the Christian is the one who wronged the other person involved in the issue.

If the other party are Christian(s) or Jews (Hebrews):

The issue is settled as brothers of a family, according to Hebrew law (10 commandments and the law of the book of Leviticus, minus the blood sacrifices. All Christians are under their King, Christ and therefore must act as such as family members settling their issues according to the law of their King and in brotherly love toward one another. Knowing you are individuals under the same King and using forgiveness and brotherly love are the key to Christians working out issues between each other. Christians are expected to provide an example to the world of how they behave and act toward one another. Christians are supposed to show great respect for each other, their King (Christ) and their Father (Lord God of Israel). True Christians, are supposed to be a shining example to the remainder of the world of how they act toward one another based upon the Law of their King and their Father. Behavior not in accordance to the law, can be overcome through forgiveness.

If the other party are not Christian, or Jewish (Hebrew):

In this case then the person who is Christian always acts in accordance with the 10 commandments, they must be an example of a true Christian. However since the other party is not Christian or Jewish (Hebrew), then the Christian can not settle the issue under Levitical law and must therefore turn to the courts systems of the land in which they live to get the matter settled, if it can not be settled privately. Acting under the 10 commandments, gives the Christian credibility as they are not going to lie or deceive others, nor can they falsely accuse other involved in the issue (10 commandments). Other parties who are not Christians might lie, and cheat, in order to get their way before a court of men. Christians should not get discouraged in this, as it is not their point to win every single case in a court of mans law, its the point of a Christian to clear what is written in the book of life against their name (Revelation 20).

Further note about Mans laws:

Christians might not be treated fairly by the courts of men in every single case, however its the point of a Christian to be accounted for in the book of life, as having done that which is right (good works), even to the point of persecution by others. Christians should always keep in mind what is written in Revelation chapter 20, which is we are all judged according to our works. Christians must always keep their slate clean (writings against their name in the book of life), in order for their soul to rest with our Father and Christ in the next earth age (2nd Peter chapter 3). As long as Christians know their actions are according to the law (10 commandments and the Laws of Leviticus), then even if they loose in the court of mans law, they have won in our Fathers court, which is held at the end of the Millennium (Revelation 20, Christ's 1000 years of teaching). Forgiveness, and good works, keep the slate clean in the book of life, next to each persons name. Everyone faces judgment as its written in Revelation 20. No one escapes this judgement, not those souls which have passed from flesh life. All are souls are judged at that point in time. We are in this flesh on probation, and Christians need to keep that in mind, always.

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