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Here is the answer. Make it clear to him that he should make the decision on where to go to college based on where he and his parents believe he can get the best education. Tell him that if he decides to go to the same college as you, you will be very happy to see him there, but don't know if you will be interested in dating him. Let him know that you are hoping to enjoy your full college experience, which means you will be very busy studying and going to campus activites; and that both of you will make many new friends, including those of the opposite sex. Perhaps you will meet another guy you would like to date and he may meet someone as well.

Now he has fair warning. If he ends up going to your school and you are interested in dating him, go ahead and have fun and see where it goes.

If he believes that God is directing his life, then he must put his trust in God to help him find the perfect soul mate some day. He is way too young to be planning his entire life around you as if he had already found his "true love." Don't let him play the guilt card and make you feel as if you must date him because he has "left everything for you." This is a terrible way to start a relationship.

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Q: How do I decide whether or not to date this guy who wants to move to my state and go to college with me and leave his church and family for me and I'm scared I'm just going to end up hurting him?
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