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You can find information on degrees for project managers by visiting your local community college or university. If you want to take online courses you could request free information from schools such as Phoenix University or Keiser University.

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Q: How do I find information on a degree for project management?
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Information about Online Project Management Certification can be found on the internet at sites such as PMI - who have information about different types of Project Management, and which one would be suitable. Information can also be found by asking someone who is in an intermediate managerial role and who has been certified in online project management.

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There are many different places where one can find project management case studies. Some websites that provide this information include Project Management Institute, Marketing Profs and Amazon.

Is there project management training that doesn't require a degree?

It depends on what type of job you are looking to become the project manager for. Some jobs require it and some jobs don`t, you would have to find out information about the job first.

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Consumers can find information on project management templates on various software programs and business websites. These sites are generally business oriented. Users adjust the templates to their own needs.

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For more information on IT project management, you can go to sites such as ProjectSmart, PMI, EasyProjects or Indeed. Try to pay attention to reviews of the site first to make sure you don't get false or bad information.

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One can find information on Project Management Careers by heading to a local Job Center and either looking in the leaflets or asking a professional Employment Assistant. They can give professional advice on wages, work hours, and all other information related to a career in Project Management. One can also look on the internet or in Newspapers and at job listings which may give information on the experience needed.

Where can I find information about project management professional education?

There are many schools that offer Project Management Professional Education. Some of these schools include Georgetown, The Project Management Institute, DePaul University, University of Utah, and University of California, Santa Barbara. You can find out more about these schools' program by contacting them.

Where can I find the project management school?

Project masters degree in project management is designed to meet the needs of a range of disciplines such as engineering, business, health, IT and energy in all sectors of the economy, developing critical thinking and practice in both industry specific and international approaches to project management. The school that I can recommend to those who want to be involve in project management is the ROBERT GORDON UNIVERSITY-ABERDEEN.