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If you are not interested in eating the egg, you can simply get a garden hose and spray it off.

(The following is completely sarcastic) There is always the option to eat it though. Scrambled eggs may be hard to eat off of a driveway so you may want a fork. If it's a fried egg, you can simply pick it up and eat it whole. If it's not even cooked, you can go purchase a magnifying glass from a general store and fry it that way. Follow the steps above for eating an egg on a driveway.

Note: Though frying an egg on someone else's driveway can be an exhilarating experience, I would recommend finding more constructive things to do with an afternoon.

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Q: How do I get egg off your driveway?
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How do you get egg stains from asphalt driveway?

Victory! This was the first place I looked for an answer when we came home to TP'd house, egged driveway (and sadly - much more) after a hot holiday weekend. Sadly - no one had answered this question yet - so I'm glad to be able to. Our blessed neighbors had cleaned up much so as not to traumatize our kids when we got home (some unacceptable comments aimed at them) but we still had a long way to go with that dried egg on our driveway. I figured egg is protein and nothing loves protein more than enzymes. We made a paste out of OxyClean powder (for laundry) and let it sit (still 90 degrees outside) for about 30 minutes. That made the egg soft enough to scrape off most of it with a metal tool, and a good brushing took most of the rest off fairly quickly. Hose it down, and the driveway was 90% better in fairly short order. Hope this helps someone else! If you still have a stain left after using conventional cleaning methods, try Oil Gone Easy S-200 to completely eliminate the oil. It uses bioremediation.

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