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You can only tell the difference by having a dermatologist look at the hives and even then it is not definitive.

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Q: How do I know if it's hives or lupus?
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Related questions

What causes hives to flare up with lupus?

Hives can be a symptoms of lupus or can be the result of other things such as allergies. Over the counter topical steroid creams may help. Over the counter oral antihistamines may help. If the hives persist, seek medical attention.

What is idiopathic lupus?

Idiopathic means they do not know what caused it. In that sense all lupus except drug induced or lupus caused by inhaling silica, is idiopathic because we do not know what causes it.

How does lupus anticoagulant develop?

Lupus anticoagulant and other clotting disorders occur in about 20% of lupus patients. These can develop at any age.

What are other names know by lupus?


Who famous has had lupus?

im not proud to know this but lady gaga allegedly has lupus.

What disorder does hives cause?

Hives are caused by an allergic reaction or severe anxiety. There are other "hive-like" rashes that can be caused by skin diseases or even lupus.

What is the scientific name for wolves?

I know that the Latin name is canis lupus. an lupe gris is latin for grey wolf

Does lupus affect animals?

Lupus can infact effect animals but all i know of animals being effected are animals in the family canie

Why do women commonly get lupus?

Scientists do not know why lupus is so predominant in women, but certainly, hormonal and genetic differences make a contribution.

What is another name for lupus?

There are 3 main types of lupus (that i know of): '''Drug-Induced lupus''' (lasting only for the duration of the medication causing it) '''Discoid lupus''' (effecting mainly the skin and extremities) '''Systemic lupus erythematosus''' (effecting almost everything; kidneys, brain, heart, lungs, skin, joints, muscles)

What does wolf mean in Latin?

lupus or canis. One might be Greek. It's probably Lupus. In Latin, lupus means 'wolf' and canis means 'dog'. I don't know Greek, though.

Is there more than one type of lupus?

There are four types of lupus. Cutaneous lupus, often called discoid, is lupus that affects the skin. Systemic lupus erythematosus affects the the body internally, damaging organs and joints. It is possible to have both. Drug induced lupus is caused by certain medications and subsides when the offending medication is withdrawn. Neonatal lupus occurs in newborn babies.