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In general being a DJ is about creativity and willingness to break away from established tradition. This is why the best training will be from directly working under a DJ in a form of internship instead of taking actual classes for it.

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Q: How do I learn how to become a dj?
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Where can one learn to be a DJ?

One can learn to be a DJ through various avenues, including online tutorials, DJ schools, workshops, and mentorship programs. Many resources are available, allowing aspiring DJs to develop their skills, learn mixing techniques, and gain knowledge about music production and equipment usage.

How did dj Sammy become a dj?

Christ knows!

Where could learn more about building a DJ setup?

One can learn more about building a DJ setup online. There are several tutorials for beginners available online. Wikihow is a great source for one to use to learn more about building a DJ setup.

What is meant by DJ software?

DJ software is for someone looking to become a better music DJ. It offers help, instructional videos and guides on how to be become a better performer.

Where could one learn to be a computer DJ?

Being a computer DJ is easier than being a normal one because creating sounds is much easier. A person can learn to do this by downloading computer DJ software.

What education is required for DJ?

it's the buttons you have to learn. :(#)

What can someone do to become a great DJ?

There are many things someone can do to become a great DJ. One can become a great DJ by studying music, exploring different types of music, and being open to different genres of music.

How do you become dj?

well you have to be black

Should you become a DJ or a Producer?

You should become a musician.

What skills does a DJ have?

no skills learn how to play real music with a guitar

How does someone learn the basic skills to being a DJ?

Buy or rent DJ equipment to practice with. Look at online instruction videos to learn the basics and keep practicing until you have learnt the skills you require.

Where can you learn DJ scratching?

You can go online to Digital DJ Tips to find tips on how to scratch and other DJ tips. Alternatively, you could go online to DJ Tutorial or go on YouTube to watch tutorial videos on how to scratch.