

How do Jon and Kate like their new house?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Jon and Kate Gosselin, and their eight children very much enjoy the many features and rooms of their new house, as stated on some of season fours later episodes.

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When Was Jon and Kate's New House built?

it was built in 2006.

Did Jon and kate buy the new house or renting?

They bought it.

What is the color of Jon and Kate Gosselin's basement in their new house?

The color of the basement in Jon and Kate Gosselin's new house is a slate blue color. The room is used for filming and as a playroom.

In Jon and Kate Plus 8 is Jon still with gosselins in there new house?

He did sleep in the garage before the divorse.Now,when Jon has the kids,he stays in the house. When Kate has the kids,she stays in the house.When Jon doesn't have the kids...I think he lives with his mom

Did Jon and kate gosselin have a decorator to decorate the new house?

yes, they should have

How did Jon and Kate pay for new house?

The Gosselin's income from their reality show 'Jon and Kate plus 8', book deals and speakin engagements paid for their new home and lifestyle.

Why arent cameras in the kids rooms on 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' in new house?

Because they are getting older and Jon and Kate feel that the children need their privacy.

In Jon and Kate Plus 8 is Jon still with them in there new house?

No. He has purchased a condo in New York City. According to the show, Jon and Kate will now flip flop every few days to spend quality time with the children.

Are Jon and kate going to be moving out of the same house?

noone yet knows until Jon and kate say on one of their new episodes don't know what one though

How much property does Jon and kate's new house have?

Thier house is 6200 square feet and they have 16.6 acres.

Did TLC pay for the Gosselins' new house?

technically, they did because Jon and kate are paid for being on the reality show. that is how they make their limits. but Jon and kate used their salary from TLC to buy the house. sorry if that sounds confusing?? hhaha

Will Jon gosselin stay in the gosselins million dollar house?

What I heard is that the kids will stay there and Jon and kate will move between another house and their million dollar house. Jon is currently looking for an apartment in New York City.