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Q: How do Kalahari tribes people shave?
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What are Kalahari desert tribesmen called?

The desert tribes of the Kalahari are called the San , or more colloquially as Bushmen.

Are Kalahari people nomadic?

who are kalahari people

Do ants live in the Kalahari Desert?

They dig roots or big plants out of the ground. they then shave some of the out side off. they then get a handfull off the out side in there hand. they then put there thumb to there mouth and then squeese to get water. to get food they hut snake, antolope or lions. they use the fur for blanks or pouches.

Why people of Africa move place to place?

Not all people in Africa do this, but there are certain tribes that live a nomadic lifestyle, either as hunter gatherers (eg the bush people of the Kalahari) or as cattle herders following the grass (eg the Maasai).

What Kalahari people eat?

the Kalahari people eat antelopes, dears, snakes, flying ants ,bush vegetables and more

How long have the Bushmen tribes lived in Southern Africa?

the Kalahari bushmen have lived in kalaharidesert for over 20 000 years

What is the future for Kalahari bushmen?

The future of the Kalahari bushb=man will be a bright future for many people or conserviving the environment.

What desert is located in Botswana and is the home of the Hottentots?

The Kalahari desert. The Hottentot name is considered derogatory, the standardised name is Khoikhoi meaning 'people people' or 'real people'

How do Kalahari people in Africa hunt cheetah?

shoot it

What is fetish head shave?

It is when people are attracted to watching people shave their head. In other words they like people with who are bald.

What do you not shave for no shave November?

As a way of raising money for charity, people often don't shave their moustaches in November.

The sentence of a close shave?

With Burma-Shave, you will always get a close shave. My latest brush with death was a real close shave. Some people like to have a close shave on the top of their head.