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Q: How do Muslims pray and how does it help them show respect to god?
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Why do Catholics pray in a church?

I am a catholic and we pray in Church to show our respect to God

What do Muslims shave to show respect?

their hair

How do you show respect to the christian church?

keep silent an pray

Do Muslims pray o show their beliefs?

Yes, Muslims pray as a way to show their beliefs in the oneness of God and their commitment to the principles of Islam. Prayer is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is seen as a fundamental act of worship and communication with God. Muslims pray five times a day facing the Kaaba in Mecca as a way to strengthen their faith and maintain a connection with their Creator.

Why do Muslims cover their heads when entering a Mosque?

Simply to show respect and modesty

How can non-Muslims show their respect for Muslims when visiting a mosque?

the same respect they show in their own church or synagogue. They sould be clean, wearing tidy clothes, taking off their shoes, and it is preferred for women to wear scarves.

What are Muslims supper to do to show they are a good Muslim?

To pray & worship god & believe in the angles & his holy ((( the quran )))

Why do muslim's show respect to old members of their family?

Muslims respect their elders because it is the honorable thing to do. Many cultures around the world respect their elders.

How will you show respect to your environment?

I can show my appreciation by taking care of it,paticipating in activities that help the environment,showing respect and loving it.

What are Muslims supposed to kiss if they visit mecca?

Muslims are not required to kiss anything in mecca, it is a affectionate thing people do to show respect and love for their religion

What do Muslims get out of washing themselves before praying?

they wash before praying to show respect to there god, Allah

What can you do to show respect?

Well , you can help others especially elders .