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Honestly I don't see why they would, they think that they are the greatest things that ever happened to this earth. Very godlike individuals. They think they are perfect and without flaw. Even though they are extremely unhappy with their core self, they make up a new self that's perfect in every way. Then use people to mirror and adore how wonderful they are, that is until their mask comes off. That's a whole different scary scenario. I should include that they do flirt with the idea of suicide if they aren't getting what they want from their source/supply, but they don't really do it. They are too special in their eyes. Hope I answered your question.

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Q: How do Narcissist end their lives?
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See a Domestic Violence Crisis Center near you. Make a plan to get out.

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A borderline. Essentially a more emotionally reactive narcissist.

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Is it wise to tell everyone about the narcissist?

Be careful if you do, the narcissist can be a monster to anyone who hurts their pride.

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It's certainly possible. A narcissist may date another narcissist that is more selfish than they are to feel better about themselves. In turn say "i'm not as selfish as he/she is so that makes me above him/her). It's incredible and shocking the way people with this disorder think. It takes a lot of research to understand a narcissist.