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Q: How do Pie charts operate on more than one data series at a time?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of simple bar chart?

Bar charts can effectively display information in a way that is more pleasant to the viewer. However, simple bar charts are not good for displaying large amounts of information, they work best with less data displayed.

When would you use a pie chart rather than a bar chart?

A pie chart can only have one series. So you are usually showing how a block of data is split up, like slices in a pie, and how much each element contributes to the whole lot. So you could have the population of a country and split it up into male and female. The full pie is the whole population and the two slices are how many males and females there are. A company could have its total spending, and in slices show how much goes on different aspects of what they spend it on. Slices can be shown with values or with percentages. Bar charts are used for more than one series normally, though they can show one series only too. They can be used to compare data. The data does not have to be directly related, which it is often showing separate series of data. So it could be showing students and how much they got in an exam, comparing this against their other exams or against other students.

Differences between a pie chart and a bar chart?

The most obvious thing is that they look different. A pie chart is circular whereas a bar chart consists of bars of different lengths. A pie chart can only be used for one series of data, to see how each part contributes to the whole thing, by seeing the various pie slices and their sizes as part of the whole pie. Bar charts can consist of more than one series and compare different things to each other and can show trends.

Why is it better to display data in a bar chart rather than in a table?

The claim made in the question is not valid. A bar chart summarises data whereas a table is more likely to give more detailed information. So the choice between the two methods of presenting data depends on the purpose: a quick and easy impression or detailed figures.Also, having worked as a professional statistician for over 30 years I have come across some people who can digest tabular information but cannot make head or tail of charts and there have been others who love charts but simply glaze over when presented with a table.It is therefore important to bear in mind the purpose and the audience.

What are specific data better than non-specific data?

its more data

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Can Pie charts operate on more than one data series at a time?


When creating a Chart in Excel a multiple date series is?

A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.A data series is a range of values to be charted. If you have multiple data values, you may have multiple series, like several lines on a line chart. So you can have lots of values in a series, and lots of series in some charts. A pie chart cannot have more than one series. Data can be of various types.

What types of charts can you create from data in a spreadsheet?

Spreadsheet packages may chart one set of data in the form of a pie chart, or two or more sets of data in bar charts (with vertical bars, horizontal bars, or stacked bars), line charts, area charts, or mixed charts, which combine bars and lines

What does a multiple data series chart do?

It is simply a chart that shows more than one series, often to compare them or to see is there a connection. Some charts, like a pie chart, can only have one series, but others, like a line chart, can have multiple series.

When should you use two or more charts?

When you want to display two or more sets of data.

Why it is important to understand the use of charts in Excel?

Charts are important in Excel, as they are a way of visually representing data. Some people are good at looking at figures and others will get a good understanding of data through seeing charts. To be able to create charts is therefore important. In addition to that, there are different kinds of charts that are suitable for certain kinds of data. You can't just use any chart type for a particular set of data. Some charts are specialised and have to be used in a particular way and are only suited to certain types of data. It is important to know the differences between the charts and what they are used for.

Is bar chart column and pie used for the same purpose?

Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.Not really. Bar charts come in various types like regular and stacked. They can deal with more than one series and are used for comparing one series to another. Pie charts show how each element is part of the whole series and so can only have one series.

What do scientist make to collect data during an experiment?

Observations, spreadsheets, charts, and probably more.

Why is it good to idea to organise data in chart form?

Using charts to organise your data is more reliable as it enables you to put the data in the appropriate chart, this means you data will make more sense if needed to be explained and it also makes it easier to analyse your data.

What are some charts in Excel?

Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.Charts are graphic representations of your data in Excel.

What are the labels in a excel spreadsheet?

A label helps you to identify the data series quickly (data series: Related data points that are plotted in a chart. Each data series in a chart has a unique color or pattern and is represented in the chart legend. You can plot one or more data series in a chart. Pie charts have only one data series.), you can add data labels (data label: A label that provides additional information about a data marker, which represents a single data point or value that originates from a worksheet cell.) to the data markers (data marker: A bar, area, dot, slice, or other symbol in a chart that represents a single data point or value that originates from a worksheet cell. Related data markers in a chart constitute a data series.) in a chart. To update data labels with changes that you make to corresponding data in the worksheet, or to display the text or numbers in worksheet cells in the data labels, you can link data labels to worksheet cells. If you no longer need data labels, you can remove them.

Is it true that you can only display one set of data per chart in Excel?

No it is not true. Many charts can use more than one set of data although a pie chart is limited to one set of data.