

How do Space Shuttles Work?

Updated: 6/23/2024
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12y ago

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Space shuttles work by utilizing three major components to reach their destination. There are two rocket boosters that are critical for the launch itself and the external fuel tank that carries enough fuel for the launch. The orbiter is the component that carries the astronauts and payload. The boosters are ignited to launch the shuttle and separate shortly after launch. When the orbiter reaches its optimum height, the external fuel tanks separate. The orbiter is then set for the orbital path it will follow around the earth. When the orbiter is ready to return to the earth it will use an engine retrofire to leave its orbit and descend to re-enter the earth's atmosphere where it will land.

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1mo ago

Space shuttles are reusable spacecraft that launch vertically like a rocket and land horizontally like an airplane. They are made up of an orbiter, external tank, and solid rocket boosters. The orbiter carries astronauts and cargo into space, while the external tank supplies fuel to the main engines. The solid rocket boosters provide additional thrust during liftoff.

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4 Space Shuttles existed in 2011. Including the test vehicle, Space Shuttle Enterprise. Space Shuttles that actually went into space? 3. Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.

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The space shuttles that were first used in 1980 were Columbia and Challenger. Both space shuttles were part of NASA's Space Shuttle program and conducted various missions until the Challenger disaster in 1986.

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If you mean space shuttles, the answer is no.

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NASA had a total of five space shuttles: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour. These shuttles were in operation from 1981 to 2011.

Where did the space shuttles launch from?

The space shuttles launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida.