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There are several ways in which you can greet a person in Costa Rica depending on the relationship you have with that person and on the situation in which you meet.

A traditional informal greeting would be: ¿Pura vida? Which loosely translates into: Is everything going well?

Another informal greeting would be: Hola, ¿todo bien? Translation: Hello. Is everything going well?

If you are meeting the person for the first time people usually say: Mucho gusto (nice to meet you). Es un placer (it's a pleasure to meet you).

Other greetings are: Buenos días (good morning), buenas tardes (good afternoon), buenas noches (good evening/good night)

Formal greetings would be the ones mentioned in "other greetings" followed by ¿cómo está? (How are you?) or ¿cómo le va? (How is it going?)

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¡Hola! (pronounced 'ola)

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