

How do a bullfrog obtain oxygen it needs in its habitat?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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By breathing air through its lungs- same as you.

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Q: How do a bullfrog obtain oxygen it needs in its habitat?
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Habitat ………………………………,.-'"………………."~., ………………………..,.-"…………………………….."-., …………………….,/………………………………………..":, …………………,?………………………………………………\, ………………./…………………………………………………..,} ……………../………………………………………………,:`^`..} ……………/……………………………………………,:"………/ …………..?…..__…………………………………..:`………../ …………./__.(….."~-,_…………………………,:`………./ ………../(_…."~,_…….."~,_………………..,:`…….._/ ... ……….{.._$;_……"=,_……."-,_…….,.-~-,},.~";/….} ………..((…..*~_……."=-._……";,,./`…./"…………../ …,,,___.\`~,……"~.,………………..`…..}…………../ …………(….`=-,,…….`……………………(……;_,,-" …………/.`~,……`-………………………….\……/\ ………….\`~.*-,……………………………….|,./…..\,__ ,,_……….}.>-._\……………………………..|…………..`=~-, …..`=~-,_\_……`\,……………………………\ ……………….`=~-,,.\,………………………….\ …………………………..`:,,………………………`\…………..__ ……………………………….`=-,……………….,%`>-==" …………………………………._\……….._,-%…….`\ ……………………………..,<`.._|_,-&"……………

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