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i think this because just like us we drink water without getting into our lungs.they breathe through their nose

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Q: How do alligators eat underwater without getting water in their lungs?
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How do alligators eat under water without getting water into their lungs?

They have a special flap that closes off the airway when they swallow.

Do alligators breathe air with their lungs?

Yes. Alligators breathe with lungs.

How do alligators eat under water without getting water in their lungs?

maybe it putts the water at the front of it's mouth and swallows the food first and then spits the water out.

Do alligators breath air with its lungs?

yes. a alligator has lungs and they breathe threw it.

What organ do alligators use to get oxygen?

lungs they do have lungs they come up to breath

Does an alligator breath air with lungs?

Yes it does. Alligators are reptiles and reptiles have lungs.

How do alligators breathe on land?

With lungs, pretty much like you and I.

What has lungs to breathe and gills to breathe underwater?

A salamander has both lungs and gills to breathe underwater. I found a good site if you want to read more about them.

How do alligators obtain oxygen?

Alligators are air breathers. They inhale and exhale through their nostrils. Their lungs absorb oxygen from the air that they inhale.

Does frog don't have a need of lungs when they are underwater?

Obviously not.

Why can a penguin stay underwater for 20 minutes?

They have incredible lungs.

Why do dolphins need bigger lungs?

because they swim underwater so they have to have big lungs to catch fish