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Q: How do alveoli and capillaries help to get oxygen into your bloodstream?
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Why is the alveolus important to the breathing system of humans?

Alveoli in the lungs are important because they help with the transportation of oxygen to the blood. They are also called the pulmonary alveoli.

How do alveoli and capillaries help to get oxygen?

The alveoli is the point where the waste product of respiration (carbon dioxide) and oxygen are diffused into or out of the blood. Oxygen diffuses into the blood stream and are carried to the heart and carbon dioxide is diffused out of the lungs and expired. The alveoli have moist walls and are close to the capillaries which speeds up the process.

How does alveoli help two gases diffuse quickly into and out of the blood?

They have capillaries close to their surfaces.

What are the characteristics of the alveoli that help with its function?

gas exchange is the intake of the oxygen and the let out of the carbon dioxide

Why are so many blood capillaries around the alveoli?

because they need to have the proper exchange of CO2 in the respiratory system to help the lungs carry out or organs for that matter, carry out the specific functions in order for this system to have success.

Why do the walls of the capillaries and aveoli need to be thin?

The walls of alveoli are thin to allow the exchange of gases (Co2 and O2) between blood capillaries and the aveoli in the lungs.

What occurs when carbon monoxide enters the lungs?

When air is inspired, it goes into the lungs, spreads across the alveoli which are like air sacs, and increases the oxygen content in the blood (through capillaries) with the help of hemoglobin. At the same time, carbon dioxide is being transferred into the alveoli by the capillaries used to transfer blood. The oxygen rich blood is sent through the pulmonary vein into the right side of the heart where it is transferred to the rest of the body. Meanwhile, the carbon dioxide that had been collected by the air sacs in the lungs is expired.

How the movement of oxygen takes place in human?

During Inhalation the Oxygen enters the Alveoli of the lungs . The alveoli is surrounded by very tiny Blood vessels called Capillaries . Through Diffusion The O2 Moves out of the alveoli and into the Blood . Now the Blood carries it all over to the body with the help of Hemoglobin .The Blood Passes through Tissues then the O2 diffuses into the cells due to its higher concentration in the blood .The O2 Combines with the digested food present in the cells to give out Energy . So this is how O2 moves . Hope This Helped Thanks

What do blood cells do to help the respiratory system?

the red blood cells get oxygen or put out carbon dioxide through the capillaries in the alveoli of the lungs. They do this to help get oxygen for the cells in the body/ take away carbon dioxide from the cells

What are the small air sacs in the lungs?

These small sac like structure are known as the alveoli . The alveoli help in the exchange of the gases, oxygen & carbon-dioxide,Lungs contain alveoli to increase the surface area and to easily transport oxygen to the blood vessels which surrounds the air sacs. Also, the air sacs have a thin film of oxygen which helps to absorb oxygen quickly.

What is the function of capillaries?

Capillary are the smallest of the body's blood vessels and connect and break off into other arteries, blood vessels, or other areas of the body. Capilaries usually are found in between the major blood vessels and the tissue and can carry water, oxygen, carbon dioxide(CO2) The capillaries are one of the commonly used blood vessels in your body. They help join together all arterioles and venules in the body and connects the minor blood vessels in the heart.The function of capillaries is to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to the cells of the body, and remove toxins including carbon dioxide. Capillaries are only one cell thick, and have the lowest blood pressure of any blood vessel in the body.The function of the capillaries is to transfer oxygen and nutrients from the bloodstream to the various body exchange the materials between the blood and the body cells

What damage does smoking do to your lungs?

Smoking damages the lungs in several ways. It damages the cilia which are hair like structures which move contaminants from the lungs, therefore allowing the contaminants to remain. Smoking also damages the alveoli in the lungs, which are small air sacs that help deliver oxygen into the bloodstream and assist in removing carbon dioxide when you exhale.