

How do animal cells make more cells?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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They divide, it takes some long time.

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Q: How do animal cells make more cells?
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What makes the animal cell more unique than plant cells?

the animal cells have more functions than plant cells that make the cell unique. they comtain ribosomes where as plant cells do not include ribosomes. there are also some other functions that are in a animal cell but not in a plant cell.

Why do animal cells need plant cells?

animal cells can't make their own food, plant cells can so animal cells need to eat plant cells

Are animal cells more round than plant cells?

Animal cells have a round shape where as a plant cell is more square.

How are animal cells are differentfrom plant cells?

Plant cells are more square shaped, while animal cells are more round-like. Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts while animal cells don't have either of these, and plant cells have a larger vacuole than animal cells. :)

Are there more animal cells or plant cells?

That depends on the animal or plant in question.

Do plant cells use more energy or animal cells?

Animal cells use more energy because unlike plant cells, animal cells can move at any speed and it also runs and walk to retrieve food. This puts more strain on the animal cells than on the plant cell :)

What is the main difference between plant and animal cells?

Plants cells have a cell wall over the cell membrane,whereas,animals cells lack cell wall.In plant cells, there is a single large vacuole present in the middle, whereas, in animals cell,there are more than one vacuoles.Plant cells possess plastids, but, animal cells don't.Animal cells have centrioles, whereas, plant cells don't.Plant cells are more square shaped, animal cells are more roundPlant cells have chlorophyll for Photosynthesis (make their own food), and animal cells don't

Do animal cells contain one or more chloroplast?

Animal cells have no chloroplasts.Animals are not photosynthetic.

Is protein animal cells or plant cells?

All cells have protein, though animal cells typically have more as a percentage of their mass.

How to make animal and plant cells?

It pretty much has to do with sex to make the animal cell...

Where do you find more starches in plant cells or animal cells?

plant cells

Can animal cells make food from sunlight?

No they can't but Plant cells can.