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There are 3 ways that they maintain homeostasis. Some are behaviorual changes, painting, shade seeking behaviour - to reduce radiation exposurem Nigration - to move to more suitable climates and curling up which reduce surface area to volume ratio. Other include strucual changes which means you can't change them. Large size - for low surface to volume ratio. round shape/short extensions - low surface to area volume ratio. then you have physiological changes this is done by either the hormone system or nervous system. And now the vasioconstruction, which reduce blood flow to extemeties and shivering which intrease metabolic heat produce.

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12y ago

reptiles excrete their nitrogenous wastes in the form of uric acid which requires only 1ml of water to excrete 1g of uric acid. in this way they conserve water and maintain homeostasis.

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12y ago

its kinda hard to explain

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Q: How do Reptiles Remain homeostasis?
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