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Because the animals such as, Polar Bears, have adapted to the weather over a long period of time. So every animal in cold regions are born with a thick heavy furr coat to survive the harsh cold weather.

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14y ago
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11y ago

They have a thick layer of fat/blubber and long thick fur that keeps them warm in the subarctic temperatures. Many of the animals characteristics have also been adapted, like for instance the polar bears. They have white fur to blend with the snow, strong legs for swimming long distances in search of food, and large paws for cushioning so as not to sink in the snow.

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16y ago

Thick fur.

Plus, some animals can decrease some of their body functions, and use the energy for heat instead.

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13y ago

animals like the polar bears live in the polar regions because for one thing it is easy for them to hunt in the snow. i might update this if i find out more k.

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Q: How do animals of polar regions survive the cold?
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as the polar regions are very cold , the fur bearing animals like polar bear, squirrel, snow fox, polar wolves, reindeer etc are found the thick wool present on the body of these animals protect them from severe cold.

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The animals in the polar regions have thick fur and thick skin to protect themselves from the cold climatic conditions.

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